MEISSOUN has many years of experience in classical Indian and Middle Eastern dance. She is the best known Swiss dancer of modern Indian dance styles.

MEISSOUN learned Bollywood Dance through intensive studies of Indian films with additional inputs of DaVid and Honey Kalaria. For her choreographies she not only learnes Indian dance styles but also a lot about Indian culture and the language Hindi to be able to interpret the song lyrics.

MEISSOUN has been choreographing, teaching and performing dances to Bollywood songs all over Europe and in the USA since 1999. She has taught over 120 workshops in 9 different countries on the subject!

All this makes MEISSOUN the leading Bollywood dancer in Switzerland, both for teaching and performing.

For Bhangra in traditional style, MEISSOUN studied with the experienced dancer DaVid and they developed a teaching concept for Western dance students together. MEISSOUN also trained Bhangra instructors for Migros Klubschule.

As the "Bhangra missionary" of Switzerland, MEISSOUN has been interviewed in the magazines "GesundheitSprechstunde" and "Brückenbauer".

Find out more about MEISSOUN here.